Rules Of The Association

Rules Of The Association

1.   NAME – The Association shall be called the Cumbria Ladies’ County Golf Association.

2.   OBJECTIVES – The objectives of the Association shall be:

      (a)  To further the interests of ladies’ golf in Cumbria.

      (b)  To maintain, administer and enforce the WHS of handicapping.

      (c)  To comply with EG Rules governing County golf administration.

      (d)  To employ the funds of the Association in such a manner as shall be deemed in the best interest of 

             the Association. 

      (e)  To maintain, administer and regulate the Championship and all other competitions held under the 

             auspices of the Association. 

      (f)  To make, maintain and publish such regulations as may be necessary for the above purpose.


      (a)  Qualification for membership shall be defined as in the County Golf Regulations issued by EG.

      (b)  All County Members must be a member of a Club affiliated to the Cumbria Ladies’ County Golf    


      (c)  Resignations–Members wishing to resign from the County Association shall do so in writing to the

            Hon. Treasurer of the County Association not later than 31st January.


The annual mandatory per capita levy for full or association membership, as defined by the EG.

County Golf Regulations, shall be fixed by resolution, passed at an AGM of the Association, and shall

be due in advance on January 31st, payable by March 31st to the Honorary County Treasurer.

5.  TRANSFERS - For members wishing to transfer from one County Association to another, see EG. Rules and Regulations.

6.  MANAGEMENT -The management of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee as in Rule 7 and the Council as in Rule 8.

7.  The Executive Committee which shall be  empowered to deal with and arrange all matters at its meetings, shall comprise:- The Captain, Vice-Captain, Immediate Past Captain, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Competition Secretary, Junior Organiser, County Training Officer and nine elected members of the Association with authority to co-opt other members without voting power.  The President may attend all meetings without voting rights.

8.  The Council shall meet with the Executive Committee once a year or on request from any five members and shall comprise:- The President, Vice Presidents, Northern Regional Committee Representative, Handicap Adviser, Secretaries of the Silver Shield, Silver Handicap and Cecil Leitch Trophy sub-committees and a delegate from each affiliated Club or her deputy.  The Northern Regional Committee Representative shall call a minimum of two meetings per annum which may include the Council Meeting and the AGM to meet with EG Club Delegates or her deputy.


 (a)  The President shall be chosen by a selection committee which shall comprise, the retiring President, a past President, the Captain, Immediate Past Captain and Honorary Secretary.  She shall serve for a period of two years.  The appointment of the President to be announced at the Annual General Meeting.

 (b)  Vice Presidents shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and approved annually at the Annual General Meeting.

 (c)  Vice Captain who shall be Captain the following year, shall be chosen by the Captain and Vice Captain in office, and three past County Captains, who have been nominated by the Executive Committee.  The appointment of the Captain and Vice Captain to be announced at the Annual General Meeting.  The term of office shall begin at the close of the Annual General Meeting of appointment.

 (d)  Other Officers – The Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Competition Secretary, and the Secretaries of the Silver Shield, Silver Handicap and Cecil Leitch Trophy sub-committees, shall benominated by the Council for  approval annually at the Annual General Meeting, and shall serve for not  more than five years.  A retiring member shall not be eligible for immediate election to any of these offices.

 (e)  Junior Organiser shall be nominated by the Executive Committee.

 (f)   County Training Officer shall be selected by the Executive Committee.

 (g)  Northern Regional Committee Representative shall be nominated by the Executive Committee.

 (h)  Handicap Advisor is appointed by EG on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. 


(a)  There shall be five from each of five designated county areas, to be elected at the Annual General Meeting.  The Executive Committee shall have power to alter the areas if circumstances require.  Each Club may submit one nomination and shall have one vote within its area.  The term of office shall be three years, three members retiring in rotation.  A retiring member shall not be eligible for immediate re-election. No Club shall have more than one elected member serving on the Executive Committee at any one time.

(b)   Any vacancy occurring during the year may be filled by the Executive Committee from the division where the vacancy occurs and such member shall serve for the remaining term of office.

(c)   In the event of insufficient nominations for the Executive Committee being received, the Executive Committee shall appoint members to serve for three years from the divisions where the vacancies occur.

(d)   Nominations must reach the Honorary Secretary twenty-eight clear days before the Annual General Meeting. 

11. The Captain shall preside at the Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.  In her absence the Chair shall be taken by the Vice Captain..

The Captain shall preside at all Executive Committee and Council Meetings, and in her absence the chair

shall be taken by the Vice Captain. In the event of an equal division taking place on any vote at any of the above mentioned meetings, the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to the one she may already have given.

12. Forty members shall form a quorum for a General Meeting, five members shall form a quorum for an Executive Committee Meeting, and twenty members shall form a quorum for a Council Meeting.

13. The Executive Committee shall have absolute power of settling all conditions under which any competition shall be played, and any dispute shall be referred to them for their decision and such decision shall be final.

14. The Honorary Secretary shall keep full and correct minutes of all proceedings at any General,  Executive Committee and Council Meetings, and such record upon being approved shall be signed by the President, Captain or Chairman for the time being.

15. Once every year, not later than the 28th November, the Honorary Secretary shall summon a General Meeting of the members of the Association. The arrangement of date, time and place to hold the Annual General Meeting shall be the responsibility of the Honorary Secretary.

16. The Honorary Treasurer shall keep a true account of all receipts and payments made on behalf of the association, and once every year shall prepare a statement showing transactions. This account shall be scrutinised by a person appointed by the Executive Committee and copies shall be available at the Annual General Meeting.

17. All resolutions, which must be proposed and seconded, shall be in writing and received by the Honorary Secretary twenty-eight clear days before the Annual General Meeting. All amendments to resolutions (which must be proposed and seconded) shall be in writing and received by the Honorary Secretary at least two days prior to the meeting. All voting shall be by ballot.

18. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Association may be summoned at any time by a resolution of the Executive Committee, the Council or upon a written requisition signed by fifty members of the Association, and such requisition shall set out the nature of the business to be discussed or the resolution to be proposed.

19. The constitution shall not be repealed or altered and no new rules shall be made except by a majority of two thirds of the members present and voting at any General Meeting of the Association.

20.  INTER-COUNTY MATCHES – Captain, Vice Captain and Immediate Past Captain and the Training Officer shall be responsible for the selection of the County Team.  The Training Officer shall be advisory only if she is a consideration for the Team. The Captain shall be responsible for all details and the selection of the team of the day.

21. A player is entitled to a County Brooch after playing her third match for the County. One singles or two foursomes constitute a match.

22. The Executive Committee shall have the right to expel any member from the Association, but any member so expelled may cause a General Meeting of the members of the Association to be summoned and refer the question of expulsion to them.  If the majority of the members at such a meeting confirm the Executive Committee’s decision, she shall immediately cease to be a member of the Association.

Updated November 2021

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Cumbria Ladies County Golf Association

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